Rose Quartz Strawberry Quartz Mala

Promotes and strengthens all types of love including self-love. Nurtures unconditional love, promotes joy and emotional healing. Instills calmness and peacefulness. Cultivates faith and hope. Purifies the heart. 
- CHAKRA(S): Root & Heart -

A calming stone that fills the mind with loving energy. Boosts positive feelings. Helps create a loving environment that encourages living joyfully in the moment. Enhances intuition and awakens the subconscious mind. 
- CHAKRA(S): Heart & Crown -

Helps with issues of safety and security. Enhances passion and love. Promotes helping one another. Cleanses negative energies. Regenerates the body and increases strength and stamina. Expands past-life awareness and recall. 
- CHAKRA(S): Root & Heart -

Invokes high states of consciousness and spiritual awareness. Provides courage, offers protection against negative energies. Fosters safe travel. Helps with phobias, removes anxiety and fear. Promotes speaking the truth. Aids in calming and relieving stress. Cleanses and strengthens the aura. 
- CHAKRA(S): Heart, Throat & Third eye -

Heightens psychic ability and intuition. Strengthens meditation and focus. Balances the mind and soul. Cleanses your aura. Energizes the imagination, bringing up new ideas. Highly mystical and protective. Raises consciousness and connects with universal energies. 
- CHAKRA(S): Heart, Third eye & Crown -
Absorbs negative energy, aids grounding, calms stress. Helps to develop self-control. Provides equilibrium, by harmonizing the body, mind and spirit. Stimulates concentration and focus. 
- CHAKRA(S): Root –


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