Christina de Sequeira: HOME W E B P A G E


Feeling down and drained, lethargic or may be just stuck, as if you are out of energy? It sounds like you are ready for an energy tune up. Virtual & in person sessions available. You can come to me or I can come to you. I will provide all the necessary energetic tools (as needed or required)

For your spirit and emotions:

Consider an energetic uplift, treat yourself to a session of Reiki or crystal healing. Refill, invigorate and balance your energy. Reset, flow and allow yourself to receive the gifts and insight for your life's next steps.
Schedule your Reiki appointment now!

For your body and muscles:

Consider virtual yoga classes. A one on one session, in the comfort of your home learn or deepen the poses' body alignment. Perform a more beneficial and efficient practice of traditional Hatha Yoga.
Schedule your Yoga appointment now!